Wednesday, June 11, 2014

New Kitchenware...Smells Like Opportunity!

My in-laws have generously donated a rice cooker, a bread maker and a crock pot to complement our humble abode. I am so excited because there's several things I've been really eager to make (2 of which are home made bread and all those beautiful slow cooker recipes I've been seeing all over Pinterest). My husband will be the one using the rice cooker, as I am a die-hard pasta fan.

Since he is a clean eater and I need my food to taste good enough to qualify as a hearty last meal, our compromises are somewhat limited by time, money and cooking ability. Thankfully, its 2014 and we no longer have to rely solely on our mothers'/grandmothers' recipe box (though the love that's put into carrying on such tradition makes food taste even better in my opinion!).

To start with, I've never used (nor even heard of) a bread maker. I thought you covered yourself in flour, mixed the dough in a bowl, kneaded, let it sit, kneaded some more and baked it. If I'd known a machine did all the heavy work, I'd have asked for one years ago.
Product Details
I have to wait until pay day to attempt this recipe  when I have some time and money to devote to it.

I always feel like "Eye of the Tiger" should be blaring in the background as I put on my mother's apron and glare challengingly at the ingredients as though they were my opponent.

The slow cooker will most likely get the most use, since I'm lazy and now I have a day job so I won't have much time to devote to experimental cooking. Since there are ten zillion freezer/slow cooker recipes, I intend to narrow down the ones I like.

So far, in my kitchen, I've managed to use my mother's recipes for the following:

Big Pot Chili Stew

1 lb. ground beef (we use the leanest we can find) browned and drained of excess fat
     (season with salt, pepper and 2 tablespoons of cumin as its browning)
1 Vidalia onion chopped
1 bell pepper chopped
3 jalapenos chopped and de-seeded
1 can of each - red beans, black beans and northern beans)
4 cans diced tomatoes (we like the ones with green chilis)
(salsa optional)
Season with salt, pepper, cumin, (very easy on the chili powder as its rather strong), coriander (liberal amount), adding water and/or beef broth to desired thickness
Cook over medium heat until chopped veggies are tender, stirring occasionally

*I'm a "taste as I go" kind of person but I also need precise measurements if I can't taste it so do this at your own discretion
** My mom made this any time it was cold, or if we got sick because its got TONS of immunity boosters in the vegetables and the seasonings. The spicier you make it, the more it clears the sinuses.

Turkey/Chicken Pot Pie


1 Butterball turkey breast - roast at 325 F for 45-60 min. until turkey flakes under a fork
 ***(My grocer didn't have it that day, so I just bought a package of Tyson boneless, skinless chicken tenderloins and cooked them through in a pan with EVOO and Montreal chicken seasoning.)

2. roll out a Pillsbury pie crust in an 8 x 8 casserole dish (there should be 2 in a package) and set a large pot on the stove at medium heat

3. Chop 1 large onion and 3 celery stalks (keep the leaves as a garnish if you're wearing your fancy pants!) and sautee in a splash of EVOO until tender (I did it in the pot I would mix the pie filling to minimize clean up).

4. Tear turkey breast into bite sized pieces, minding any inedible tissue like bones, ligaments or fat (Another reason I prefer boneless/skinless cuts because finding bones gives me the willies. I cut my chicken tenderloins with scissors.) and add to sauteed veggies.

5. Add 1 cup of frozen mixed vegetables (we buy the peas, carrots, green bean variety for simplicity).

6. Add 1-2 cans Campbell's cream of chicken soup and chicken stock to desired thickness
**My mom likes to add a splash of white wine because we're flavor enthusiasts.

7. Stir on medium high heat for a few minutes until all vegetables are tender and desired thickness is achieved. If its too watery, just add a bit of flour to thicken it up. If too thick, add water/chicken stock. If you added the wine, cook until you can't smell the alcohol anymore.

8. Turn off the stove and empty the contents into the pie crust in the casserole dish. Roll on the top crust and slit a few times in the middle. Bake at 375 F until crust is golden and filling is bubbling.

**The pie crust can be used for sweet and savory pies. In my opinion, it tastes incredible either way!

Speaking of sweet pies...

My husband's favorite is the classic
Apple Pie

3-5 sliced, peeled apples (this should make a slightly raised mound)
3/4 cups brown sugar
1/2 a stick of butter, sliced all over the apples
3/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp cloves
1/4 tsp salt
1 Tbsp lemon juice

Heat oven to 425°F. Place 1 pie crust in ungreased 9-inch glass pie plate. Press firmly against side and bottom.

In large bowl, gently mix filling ingredients; spoon into crust-lined pie plate. Top with second crust. Wrap excess top crust under bottom crust edge, pressing edges together to seal. 

**you can cut shapes into your pie crust or you can do what I did and make a lattice pattern by cutting the top pie crust into strips! Up to you!

Bake 40 to 45 minutes or until apples are tender and crust is golden brown. Cover edge of crust with 2- to 3-inch wide strips of foil after first 15 to 20 minutes of baking to prevent excessive browning. Cool on cooling rack at least 2 hours before serving.

Whew! That's all for now, but I'll update you on the bread maker once I actually have time to use it.
Happy Cooking!


  1. We L-O-V-E our slow cooker. We also use plastic slow cooker bags, which make cleaning way less of a pain.

    I used a bread machine for the first time ever a few weeks ago, and totally butchered the bread because I couldn't leave it alone. I've only ever done bread by hand and couldn't cope with not touching it at all. It's definitely very hands-off.

  2. I KNOW its the most fun part about making bread! MUST. KNEAD!
